Saturday, 18 July 2015

Writing Down Everything

Hey Guys!

It's Saturday morning and the weather is looking rather fine outside. I hope you all have fun plans for today.

This morning I am going to be talking a bit about a passion of mine, writing. 

When I was young I watched a film called Harriet The Spy, it's really good so watch it if you haven't! The main character, Harriet, is a writing obsessive just like me and records every detail of her life and surroundings in her journals. There was a particular line that really spoke to me and summed up everything I want to do:

I want to see the world, and I want to write down EVERYTHING.

I've always been into writing since I can even remember, at school I would get so excited for our English lessons where we would read the most fascinating books and poems and most importantly get to write our own. I spent hours writing my own short stories in my notebooks and still have quite a few as I could never quite bring myself to throw any of them away. Maybe one day I'll post a few on here as a throwback post, let me know if you'd like to see them!

Now any writing enthusiast will tell you how important a good notebook is, you are recording your precious thoughts and memories in there so you want the cover to be as special and creative as possible to reflect the contents. 

After years of going through countless notebooks, some of the most beautiful in design have come from Paperblanks

Below are the two books of theirs that I'm currently working on filling up.

The Vintage Vogue Plume Notebook*

Don't the covers just look exquisite? 

The first notebook design is inspired by the sway and sensuality of movement celebrated in Parisian Art Deco style. The image was created in 1932 by British theatre designer Alec Shanks using charcoal, watercolour and gouache on paper and the illustration just exudes elegance and glamour, synonymous with the atmosphere of the showgirls with their feathers and sequins glittering in the spotlight.

The second was designed by Laurel Burch, a self-taught artist and “flower child” who sold handmade jewellery on the streets of San Francisco in the 1960s. Later on, she continued to rely on her intuition and passion, speaking from the heart with an unmistakable style that was the manifestation of her love of life and strong imaginative nature. From her fertile imagination, she created brilliantly coloured, vibrant and moving themes with paint and paper, exquisitely embellished with gold and silver.

I absolutely love both of them, the designs are beautiful and the notebooks themselves are have high quality paper inside and a nice sturdy cover to keep everything protected. 

If you are like me and into writing, I literally cannot recommend checking out their website ( as there are just the most fabulous array of designs to choose from and it's a pleasure to browse. 

I hope you liked this post, feel free to leave me a comment below if you did.

Thanks for reading!

Love Sally X



  1. The art deco notebook looks absolutely gorgeous! x

  2. what beautiful notebooks, i love the hummingbird best!

  3. The notebooks are pretty and I love when it times for english lessons too! Nice post xo

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