Sunday, 31 January 2016

A New Year Update From Me

Hey Everyone!

It's the first time we've spoke this year, so Happy New Year! I hope your January's have been awesome and full of fun activities!

Today I wanted to share an update on the things I discussed in this November blog post, because a fair amount has happened since and I thought I would let you guys know.

The first thing I'll put out there is yes, I am still on the Slimming World plan. It's been over 6 months now and I still go to my weekly meetings and count my syns. In terms of total weight loss, we are now at 6 stone 7.5lbs which is absolutely crazy but it has made such an amount of difference to my life, it's hands down the best thing that I've done/achieved. 

I'm not going to post pictures of me before, there are plenty on past posts but for reference this is me and how I look now :

In my November post I mentioned that I was investigating the dating scene and going out more socially, I have since entered a relationship and have continued to push boundaries and go to things like parties, group get togethers and things like that. I've never been so busy but it's been so refreshing and I'm loving every minute!

I can't really think what else has been going on, work has been fine, we have a lunchtime walking club now which is good fun and the other day I got to have a go on a smoothie bike where basically you pedal to power the blender and get a delicious smoothie at the end of it! I want one for my living room now so ridiculously bad!

I'm not sure what February holds for me at this point, but if it's anything like January I can't wait for it. I have a few ideas for Valentine's blog posts which I think you would like, so do stick around and keep an eye out for those. My blog schedule is open to any requests at the moment as I try and work out which direction to take it in next so do leave me a comment if there is anything you would like me to talk about in my next posts.

Thanks for reading, love Sally X
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