Monday, 14 December 2015

Christmas Tips for Dog Owners

Hi Everyone!

Now as I'm sure you're all fully aware, Christmas is fast approaching us! It's a time to spend with your friends and family and course not forgetting your little furry companions. 

My little buddies have been featured on my blog a few times now and Sadie, Lexi, Frank and Miley absolutely love Christmas! It's full of all sorts of interesting smells, colours and people but it's always important to make sure that they don't get overwhelmed as it does mean that we go outside of their usual routine.

Below I have included a short video from Petplan which has a number of really important but simple things to be aware of, I would really recommend giving it a watch as it's not all obvious and these are all things that I personally take note of. 

In party scenarios I think it's always really important to have a safe place for the dogs to be able to chill out in away from the noise, usually for us it's the kitchen and we have their doughnut beds out with fluffy blankets and lot's of toys to play with. We also will nominate one of us to check in for toilet breaks and to take them out in pairs for walks every couple of hours to give them a bit of exercise and to make sure that they aren't missing out on their usual outside activities which they LOVE!

The point about the tree is also really important, in our naive earlier years of having dogs we would dress up the tree all nicely and have it packed with baubles all the way down.  The dogs would always be pulling on them, pulling them off completely or knocking over the tree like something out of You've Been Framed! To be fair we used to have the more flimsy artificial ones with the tiny plastic bases, nowadays we make sure to go for the non-drop sturdier based ones. It's better for us anyway in that there's no mess but it also means that the dogs cant get any of the needles stuck in their paws or accidentally eat them. 

On the subject of eating, chocolate decorations will be sniffed out  (believe me!) and are poisonous to dogs so keep them at the top of the tree just to be safe and to make sure they are there for you to eat. Also when it comes to leftovers from your Christmas dinner you need to make sure that you don't give your dogs any cheese, grapes, cooked bones, onions or garlic as it can make them ill as well as it upsets their little tummies. 

Me and my sisters usually make the dogs their own Christmas dinners, so they each have a turkey flavoured wet food, biscuits, dog safe chocolate drops and some supermarkets even have an actual Christmas dinner flavoured food in their festive selection for pets so definitely have a look. 

Then when we all exchange gifts they will each get a bone as a Christmas present wrapped up for them. Our dogs probably love wrapping paper more than the actual bones, I think it's the scrunching noise when they roll around on it!! We have also on occasion bought them Christmas jumpers which they like to go out for walks in because they are fleece lined and all snug for them when we are outside. 

I for one literally cannot wait for Christmas to come and I hope all you guys have great plans for the next couple of weeks, especially with your pets. 

If you would like to watch the cat version of the Petplan video you can do so here and if you would like to read more about their pet insurance head over to:

Thanks for reading!

Love Sally X

This post has been made possible thanks to Petplan, but all thoughts are my own.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Welcome Back Adele

Hello. It's me.

Today's post is coming to you off the back of the recent launch of the new Adele album, good isn't it?! I thought it would be a great time to talk about the lady herself, a lot of the themes within her songs and just her as a person really strike a chord with me and to say I'm a fan is the biggest understatement of the century so let's get into it!

Last night I was at a comedy show, it was fantastic and I'll do a post on that separately but the comedian was talking about ex boyfriends and how it can be really hard to get over a breakup and there was a really poignant part where she spoke of how Adele's song Someone Like You was the song that changed how she felt and was the turning point for her being able to move on. The song started blaring out and every single girl in the audience sang along as we all remembered a past relationship and related to that song and it was the most beautiful thing.

Her songs are just always spot on, I can relate to Make you feel my love, trying so hard for someone that isn't giving you back as much. Set Fire to the Rain, being lied to and messed about and Rolling in the Deep, someone playing games with you. But the songs are uplifting and empowering, in interviews you can see that she is such a strong, awesome person and when I play her songs in my car and sing along really badly/loudly I feel like that too.

Another reason I love Adele is her body positivity, she could literally care less for how the industry would like her to look in terms of her body shape or weight and she rocks amazing clothes, she looks incredible. I love that with her, her talent for singing is just so immense that everything else pales in comparison and for once a female artist's press isn't constantly about how they look, who they are dating or what diet they are on. Being natural charismatic, she comes across as just a really lovely down to earth person but at the same time absolutely smashes it on the red carpet with stunning dresses that all curvy ladies should feel confident enough to wear.

Jd Williams have created a cool blog post entitled An Album of Adele's Style which I would recommend checking out if any of you ladies would like to see awesome Adele style dresses that will make you feel a million dollars and could give you a last minute piece of inspiration for the christmas parties coming up! I have my outfit all picked out and will be sharing on social media next Thursday some live action for you, so exciting!

Anyway, I hope you liked this post, I could talk about Adele all day so if you would like to see any follow up let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading and click play below to listen to Hello!

Love Sally X


Thursday, 3 December 2015

My Xmas Party Dress ft Bon Prix!

Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to show you an absolute gem of a party dress that I was kindly sent from Bonprix to try out and that is super cute and affordable for your xmas parties and celebrations this year.

The dress I am wearing is their Sequin Shift Dress* available in black or gold and sizes 8-20 for £49.99.

The sleeves and lace detailing are stretchy and a cute animal print effect, the body of the dress is very close fitted and doesn't stretch so depending on your shape I would possibly recommend sizing up if you carry your weight on your bottom half.

The dress overall is very comfy to wear and I like the coverage of the sleeves with the lace detailing as a really pretty way of still showing a little bit of skin in a classy way. As far as LBD's go this one is a (christmas) cracker and it looks fab on it's own inside a venue or outside I'd pair it with a fluffy coat or little shrug.

Let me know what you think of this dress in the comments, I plan on wearing it to a pre-xmas get together with my friends in a couple of weeks and have been looking at Bon Prix's other dress options for the office Xmas party on the 17th. I'll let you know what I come up with for that!

Thanks for reading and I have another Slimming World update very soon for you.

Love Sally X
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