Saturday, 26 October 2013

OOTD - Park Edition

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday I went for a little afternoon trip to Verulamium Park in St Albans which is one of my favourite places to go to just relax, sit on a bench and read a book. I took along my camera to get some autumn themed pictures and ended up with some impromptu outfit of the day shots I thought I would share, Enjoy!

Coat - New Look Inspire Link to similar!
Cardigan - Primark 
Skirt - Primark 
Tights - ASOS Curve Link!
Shoes - New Look Link!
Bag - Marisota Link!
Glasses - Armani

I love the delicate pearl detailing on the cardigan, it really adds to the classic/girly look I wanted and makes a cheap Primark cardigan look much higher end.

In this shot you can see my old ombred ends coming through again, I kind of like it.

I liked this shot because you can see the reflection of the trees in each of the quilted diamonds. I fell in love with this bag immediately when I saw it at the Marisota event, it just looks so luxurious and the design is very similar to this Dior bag don't you think?

I hope you enjoyed this post, I had a great time at the park and can't wait to get some more Autumn looks up for you guys.

Thanks for reading!

Love Sally X



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