Monday, 14 October 2013

Halloween Tag

Hey Everyone!

I saw this Halloween tag over on Jess's blog, Beauty, Bits and Bobs by Jess Band couldn't resist taking part myself. I always love a tag! 

Do you still Trick or Treat?
Unfortunately not :( I'm getting too old now.

Do you like going to haunted attractions?
Yes! I really like haunted pubs and hotels and stately homes etc. For me I like to hear about the history and the story behind it, it just makes it feel real and exciting. I think this links in to my love for Most Haunted, the locations they use are awesome.

Favourite Halloween movie?
It's always been Hocus Pocus, that film is amazing even after the 100th view.

Favorite costume you wore as a child?
When I was young-ish I was the angel of death which I loved.

A costume you would like to dress up as if you could go back to your childhood?
I would dress up as a witch like in the Belfry Witches or The Worst Witch, I loved those shows growing up. 

Do you decorate your house for Halloween?
Not always my house but always my desk at work! I always raid Poundland and kit myself out with accessories.

What are your plans for this years Halloween?
None yet, I'm going to be spontaneous.

Do you ever dress up your pet (if you don't have a pet, what would you dress it up as if you did have one)?
Generally no, but i'm sure I have some pumpkin baby costumes we have put on the pugs before.....

What was the worst thing you were given when Trick or Treating?
Stale biscuits, bleurgh 

Favorite thing about Halloween?
Dressing up and wearing all black with grungey makeup being perfectly acceptable.

Thanks for reading my Halloween themed tag, I tag all of you to take part too and if you do then leave a link below so I can read it.

Love Sally X



  1. Such a fun tag :)
    I love Halloween its definitely my favourite holiday !
    Launa | Life As Launa

    1. I would say it's my favourite after xmas! Xmas is just insane, but then again halloween has the cute costumes! xx


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