Monday, 14 September 2015

Nell's Dairy Organic Guernsey Milk

Hey Guys,

I hope you're all good and had nice weekends.

It’s Monday, you’re seeking your morning caffeine fix and what do you reach in the fridge for? Milk! It’s a staple in a lot of diets including my own, even on Slimming World because of the calcium content, and therefore seemed like a good choice to cover in my Organic September series which is encouraging people to give a try switching out their everyday products for organic versions.

Today’s feature will be looking at Nell’s Dairy organic Guernsey milk. 

At Eyford Hill Farm near Stow-on-the-Wold their small Guernsey herd grazes on organic clover leys in the Summer, and in the Winter on hay and silage cut from their fields. Nell’s milk’s wonderful golden colour comes from the beta-carotene in this diet and the milk is high in important Omega 3 and Beta Casein A2 content, the latter is important as it makes the milk more easily ingested, even by those normally lactose intolerant.

Me and my family have been trying out the milk for the past week and it has received rave reviews, one sister even stating "It's nicer than the gold top milk in Tesco's". Tastewise, it's incomparable to anything I've had before, it's deliciously creamy and tastes incredible ice cold over cereal or even just in a glass for a drink with a meal. 

Pricewise you are looking at £2 for a 2 litre bottle, available in quantities of 2, 4 and 7 litre bundles which I think is perfectly reasonable. There are also the reusable bottles pictured above which you can purchase and these are fantastic to use at their milk vending stations, location of which can be found here. Any mail orders get delivered in 1 litre bottles in insulated cardboard with an ice pack to keep the milk safe and cool, mine arrived perfectly and I popped them straight in the fridge. If you would like to make an order head over to their website

I hope this post gets across again how switching to organic can have such great effects, both for taste of the actual product and knowing that the making process is Soil Association approved. For me, this would be an incredibly easy switch to make to organic.

Let me know what you think below, have you tried organic milk and did you prefer it? Also what have you all tried so far for Organic September? Tell me in the comments!

Thanks for reading

Love Sally X

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