Sunday, 15 May 2016


Hey Everyone!

I hope you're all having a fabulous weekend, the weather has been incredible!

Today I wanted to share a website I've been really liking lately and it's something I think that anyone who enjoys fashion and particularly bloggers would be interested in taking a look at, the website is called

The main idea behind the website is that you can search through the website for fashion items and then you can pin them to interactive style boards which you can then share with your friends or followers on your social media channels and there is the option to add your own images in as well.

As a blogger this is so perfect for things like wishlist blog posts and you can just search in the top bar for brands you like or you can look at the "New Designers" section for inspiration and to see brands you might not have heard of before. You can then add items either to a shopping list to purchase or pin them to your style board for a really nice put together graphic that you can share.

I also really like that when you log on there are trend led features you can click into, this weeks hottest are Prairie Blouses which gives you a beautiful selection of both designer and high street items and from there you can pretty much create a blog feature around it by quickly building a board, adding in your own comments and pictures as well and then sharing it on your own blog or social media.

I really like the website, I can see myself using it as I get myself back into more regular fashion posts and can see it being a real time saver for putting together cute looks to share with you guys instead of posting each picture of each item individually and having to manually search each website for images which are often lower resolution if you copy and paste or save from google with sizing often an issue.

I hope you found this post useful, I really thought it was something worthy of a shoutout. If you want to check it out head over to and create a profile (which you can do in seconds) and then you are good to go and have a play around!

 Thanks for reading.

 Love Sally X

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