Tuesday, 5 May 2015

USB 4 Photographers Review

Hey Guys!

I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday!

Today I am going to share a review and heads up on a really cool concept that could be particularly interesting for other bloggers.

So I was introduced to a brand called USB 4 Photographers who specialise in branded USB sticks for photographers to load pictures on to or any other files they choose. There are loads of different designs including a slim card* design which is credit card sized and can be personalised with a logo so I of course went ahead and chose my blog design. 

After I made my selection and chose my designs, I received an email with a proof/mock up of how the real thing would look which was really cool.

After that had been approved I then received my full order of 10 USB cards which are all printed in high quality ink onto a sturdy plastic card with the USB which flips out.

There are multiple uses for these sticks such as storing photos but my brainwave was to use them as "blogger business cards" where I upload my media pack and contact details pdfs and can then give them out to new PR contacts at events for example while I'm networking. They are the perfect size to just slip into a wallet and they look so professional and cute. 

What do you guys think? Are these something that you can see yourself using and what would you upload on to them? Let me know below!

Thanks for reading this review and I'll speak to you soon.

Love Sally X


  1. What a great concept, and super cute design!!

    1. Aw thanks, I do thing the blog branding looks particularly awesome on them :P x

  2. the slim card design is a great pocket size :-) x

    1. It's great to slip into a wallet as well, I have these in all my bags and all over the place lol x


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