Saturday, 20 December 2014

Hobbycraft: Create A Treat Gingerbread House

Hey Guys!

Today is going to be a super fun activity post and I'm sharing a DIY Gingerbread House kit* I was kindly sent by Hobbycraft to attempt to build and show you guys! 

Now this is the box and what we are working towards, I'm unsure how close I will be able to get to the design as I'm not quite a decorating whizz but I'm 100% up for giving this a go. I've typed this just before I go outside to start making it so let's see what happens when I get back!

Ok I'm back. I'll now give you the run down of how the events unfolded.

First of all I opened the box, got out all the bits and pieces with high hopes for matching the design on the front. It looks very simple, what could possibly go wrong?!

I lined up my gingerbread pieces

Got my decorations ready

and warmed up the icing by kneading it

 then carefully snipping off the top to begin the piping process

you get a base to put all the pieces in to keep it together and form the house

You just need to "glue" with icing the pieces together around the base

to form a pretty cute little house

all you need to do then is pop the roof on

and voila, now on to decorating!

My piping skills are pretty poor, I'm going to throw that out there before you start laughing! I figured I'd take one side at a time, for ease

and it really started to look quite cute!

However, I suffered my first casualty in the side panel to the right

and in trying to fix it, erm, well here is what happened!

Obviously my failure reflects more of my lack of skill than the actual product and I had a really fun time overall putting everything together and decorating all the sweets (not to mention the joy of munching yummy gingerbread and icing afterwards!).

I would totally recommend this as a fun activity with kids before Christmas, it's only a tenner and will provide a good hour or so of entertainment and potentially be a nice table decoration. 

Have you guys tried any of these kits before, what did you think? Let me know in the comments below. You can also check out the Hobbycraft Gift section on this link:

Thanks for reading! Love Sally X



  1. Looks adorable and fun to build!

  2. I am loving the gingerbread houses right now. I really want to get one to do with my boyfriends son x

    1. There's so festive aren't they? What a fun post! I have to admit the last picture made me chuckle!

  3. These gingerbread houses seem to be very popular this year, great post!!


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