Friday, 6 June 2014

Imperial Leather Skinkind Bodywash Review

Hey Everyone!

Happy Friday, this week has been eventful to say the least with a new blog design and lot's of projects in the pipeline.

Today I have a beauty/skincare review for you in the form of Imperial Leather Skin kind Bodywashes*. I was kindly sent these products to try out from their new re-launched range and I can't wait to share with you what I think!

So a little about the range, it's been made to give you the perfect level of care in a bodywash based on your skin type. So it's similar to how you would choose your moisturiser, you select a specific bodywash based on whether you have sensitive skin or dry and sensitive skin. I personally flit between the two types so I have given both a good try. 

The bottles (500ml) retail for £2.69 each and are available in all major retailers, so Boots/Superdrug etc should have it and might even have deals on as they often do.

First up is SkinKind Enriching Bodywash* for sensitive and dry skin. 

This bottle is all about moisturising and re-hydrating your skin but without being too heavy or harsh on your skin. It has hundreds of little Jojoba oil beads that burst to nourish the skin and the body wash has a gorgeous raspberry and lime blossom fragrance. 

I absolutely love the smell for a start, i'm a big fan of anything fruity or sweet so it was right up my street. After using it in the shower I can report that I had no redness or irritation and my legs in particular felt noticeably softer. 

Next up is SkinKind Refreshing Bodywash* for sensitive skin. 

This bottle is all about replenishing your skin and moisturising it for a refreshed feeling. It contains cucumber and aloe vera which are both very soothing and perfect for sensitive skin. 

I thought the scent was pleasant, very green, and not at all overwhelming. The body wash lathered up nicely and left me feeling nice and squeaky clean. I also had no irritation or redness with this bottle so definitely a success!

Overall I really liked these products, I think Enriching just clinched it over Refreshing though on the scent but both are great products and do as they promise. 

I hope you liked the review, it's been a little while since we have looked at beauty or skincare but definitely something I want to do more of.

Let me know your thoughts below, thanks for reading. Love Sally X


  1. These sound lovely! Do you know if they have sulfates in them?

    Laura x |

    1. I've checked the ingredients and it has "Sodium Laureth Sulfate" so yes they do i'm afraid. x

  2. these sound fab, the packaging is very pretty too :)

  3. Loving the redesign. These sound amazing I am definitely going to be keeping an eye out for them would love to try the enriched one :) xx

    1. Definitely worth a try. The enriched one worked perfectly for me :) x


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