Saturday, 15 June 2013

Gift Set Haul

Hi Everyone!

Lately I've been splurging on lot's of bargains at the bootsales and thought I would do a little haul of the giftsets I have picked up recently. They are all brand new and no more than a few pounds each or considerably cheaper than the RRP. Enjoy!

1.Boots Eastern Spa Set- £2 Contains exfoliating gloves, a rose candle, body wash, body cream, hand cream and bath essence.

2. Boots Natural Collection Strawberry Set- £1 Contains shower gel, body spray and body cream 

3. Victoria's Secret Set- £7 Contains fragrance mist and body lotion

4. Chocolate Indulgence Set- £1 Contains flannel, bath crystals, bath bombs, candle, bath gel, bath confetti, bath creme and body cream

5. Victoria's Secret Love Spell set- £8 Contains body lotion, fragrance mist and body wash

6. Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner set- £1

7. Accessorize set- £2.50 Contains eyeshadow palette, lashes and lipgloss

And finally 8. Beauticology set- £1 Contains gingerbread body wash, caramel fudge soap and choc chip shower gel.

I hope you like my bargains and thanks for reading! Sally X

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